Getting Started
in the Bar Business

Starting your own business can certainly be a daunting and scary task. Even with everyone in your corner and your ducks in a row, it's still your tail on the line, and that means everything to you. Why wouldn't it? Successful people are everywhere, but, in most cases, they didn't get there overnight - it took courage, financial and personal investments, and being armed to the teeth with the tools, training, tips and techniques that bring an undying and resolute commitment to life. Pretty scary stuff.
Or... maybe you've been in business for a while now, but for some reason, things never seem to be materializing as they should. You put in long and tiresome hours only to dread the weekly reports and spreadsheets. Checking the mail is it's own stressful and fearful situation. Your neighbors are thriving and YOU'RE struggling; no matter what you do! What gives?!
You're not alone. Not even close.
One of the main reasons we started was to meet the need of many industry-specific, knowledge-seeking, potential entrepreneurs who were tired of searching endlessly and often without reward for information to get started building a bar or restaurant business. We learned that there were many business owners and investors who were in the middle of opening their new bar or tavern and hadn't completely thought through every countless detail; especially when it mattered. Further still, we discovered that there were just as many veteran business owners and operators who felt that their businesses definitely needed some changes to get back into profitability and compete properly in the current volatile, but improving, global and regional economies.
An interesting article we came across, even though it was a little while ago, was posted by (Nightclub & Bar) in the VIBE Newsletter section of their site. N&B Contributing Editor Alissa Ponchione writes about National Restaurant Association Chief Economist Bruce Grindy's July 2011 analysis of 2010 statistics that show slightly discouraging figures as they relate to bars and taverns specifically for that time period only, but show an overall ongoing and consistent growth performance and trend by the Restaurant Industry in general.
What does that mean? It certainly indicates that you must act with decisiveness and determination when starting any venture, particularly a bar, pub, tavern or drinking establishment. Is their more room for growth? You bet! Growth IS the main concept! Growth translates into profitability when well managed and planned properly. It also means that we think that a hospitality business is a good bet for staying power. Numbers don't lie.
So what's next? YOU decide. We bring you the connections to the information that make bars and restaurants work. From there, you're only limited by your vision, dedication, hard work and the implementation of the tools that work that can take your beverage service business to the next level.
Check out some of the links and articles below or send us an email.
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